Quotes From My Kids

I'm starting this tab on my blog partly to record the product of my June Challenge for myself, which is to spend at least 10 minutes alone with each of my kids everyday, just talking about their day or what is on their mind.  In anticipation of having some fairly priceless material from these conversations, and also because I want a chance to capture their words and thoughts at such great ages, I'm creating a kind of journal where I can record the funny, touching and insightful things that come up during our time together. Nothing is more genuine, and sometimes hilarious, then the things that come from our kids mouths.  I also can't resist adding a few comical quotes from them over the years that have stayed with me, and that will hopefully make any of you out there reading this laugh as well.  Please share your laughs and quotes from your kids with me in the comments section...I would love to hear from all my mom friends out there!!

Ben, 6/5/11: "Mom, I really want Spider Man underwear for Christmas next year.  Wait!  Are we allowed to say "underwear" to Santa??"

Ben, age 3:  The scene: It was 730am on a weekday.  I was in the kitchen making breakfast after just getting out of bed.  I was still in my PJs, hair was untouched, makeup undone.  Ben: "Mom you look so pretty!"  Me: "Really? Why am I pretty?" (knowing I looked like a mess).  Ben: "Because I want to go to the park!"

Hanna, age 3 1/2:  Upon urging her to go to the bathroom before going to my girlfriend's husband's softball game, and her repeated refusal that she needed to go her response, "I DON'T have to go, mom!! My pee is SLEEPING!!!"  She got me there.  I had no response for, "my pee is sleeping".